Posts Tagged ‘farm fresh’

Spring Egg Olympics 2012

We have been in full swing with the incubators since the Easter chick rush, and we have been selling chicks almost as soon as they hatch these days. We have met some wonderful new chicken keepers and some really nice 4-H families this season, as well as repeat customers.

Here is the lineup that made our “Odd shape egg contest” finals this spring.

Top row is a normal size/shape standard egg.  Below that you can see some of the funny attempts our girls have made so far.  The bowling pin in the first row is my fave.  The big green oval at the bottom was a double yoker!  Yes, as you can see,  some of our hens have a great sense of humor!  Way to go gals!

Chicks! Chicks! Chicks!

Organic Poultry and Eggs

Sexed pullets available just in time for Easter – Gold, Red and Black Stars. Will be excellent layers of large brown eggs. Can begin laying as early as 18-22 weeks old.

We also have heirloom breeds – Morans, Speckled Sussex and more – inquire for pricing and availability. Please contact us if you need laying hens or have other poultry or gamebird needs.

Farm fresh chicken eggs available and duck eggs (seasonally.)